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68504A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings
Bearing Slewing Ring
Franke 68504A Bearing SPECIFICATIONS
Advance 68504A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings is your source for quality Bearing Slewing Ring Shanghai Shengjie Bearing Co., Ltd. 6.38 in Dimension L and accessories. shop online for home delivery or pick up in one of our 10000 . 1740 rpm Maximum Speed
- Franke
- 6.38 in
- 1740 rpm
- High Temperature Pac
- This product line wa
- Light Series
- 6.14 in
- 013992027139
- Hanger Block
Shanghai Shengjie Bearing Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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68504A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Dimensions
- 6.38 in
- 1740 rpm
- High Temperature Pac
- This product line wa
- Light Series
- 6.14 in
- 013992027139
- Hanger Block
- 5 in
- 111505 lbf
- 10.87 in
- Split Cylindrical Ex
- 81606 lbf
- 1.5 - 6 UNC
- 3.0 in
- LSE500BX
- 3.74 in
Franke 68504A 68504A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Code system
No. | Brand | Q | E | S | X | T | k | a | N |
68495A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66200L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73107L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73088L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68520A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66391L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
71041A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73033L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
74102A | Franke | - | 3.701 in | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66388L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68510A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68961A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73075L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
75061A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68611A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73035L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73040L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66193L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
73065L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66178L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68497A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66149L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66145L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
74094A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
74092A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66397L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
66143L | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
67503A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
68962A | Franke | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 18 mm |
68499A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Bearing Type:Ball Bearing; Total Height H2:95.3 mm; Dimension B1:2.016 in; Shaft Size d:1 5/16 in; Dimension L1:55.6 mm; Inside Ring Width B:=Bearings1_Inside Ri; Total Length L:166.7 mm; Dimension T:0.921 in; Bolt Hole Length N1:24.6 mm; Base to Center Height H:47.63 mm; Seal Type:Tri-Ply Seal; Inside Ring Outside Diameter:0.673 in; Weight:4.167 lb; Total Width A:1.843 in; Dynamic Load Rating:6400 lbf; |
68484A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Grease Lubrication - B/C/O Seal:350 rpm; Eng Internal Radial Clearance - Min:0.0063; Dimension B Fix:2.62 in; Shaft Size Type:Imperial; Pre Install Clearance Min:0.0063 in; Pre Install Clearance Max:0.0079 in; Bearing Number:22228; e - Geometry Factor:0.25; Dimension E:6.38 in; Dimension F:14.75 in; Dimension B Exp:2.70 in; Float:0.083 in; Dimension J (Bolt Size):0.875 in; Housing Style:Piloted Flange Cartr; |
66394L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Series Type:Heavy Series; Shaft Size:120 mm; Ca - Axial Load Rating:8790 lbf; Seal Type:High Temperature Pac; Dimension H:7.756 in; Dimension M:6.5 in; Dimension K:3.5 in; Bearing Type:Split Cylindrical Re; Bearing UPC:013992023674; Cor - Static Load Rating:180072 lbf; Pillow/Plummer Block Style:Split Cylindrical Ho; Bearing Number:HSM120BR; Bearing - Housing - Seal:HSM120BRHHTPS; Note:This product line wa; |
68464A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | C0r - Static Load Rating:51.9 kN; Features:Contact Seals; Bore Size d:60 mm; Outside Diameter D:130.000 mm; Outside Ring Width B:46.000 mm; Grease Reference Speed:8100 rpm; Grease Limiting Speed:8100 rpm; Weight:2.5 Kg; Clearance:C0 (Normal); Radius Rs min:2.100 mm; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:81.8 kN; |
75039A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):103.8; Cone Part Number:EE380081; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:96200 lbf; a - Effective Center Location3:34.3 mm; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):1105; Design Units:Imperial; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:402.08 mm; Bearing Weight:91.200 Kg; da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:258.06 mm; C0 - Static Radial Rating:453000 lbf; |
66402L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | d:280.000 mm; Bore Taper:1/12; C0 - Static Radial Rating:1990000 N; Cage Type:EMB; Superseded Part:23956KYMBW33W40IC3; B - Inner Ring Width:75 mm; Cg - Geometry Factor8:0.115; Cage Material:Brass; Y0 - ISO Factor4:3.95; R - Inner Ring To Clear Radius1:2.0 mm; Bearing Weight:24.3 Kg; Y2 - ISO Factor6:3.86; D:380.000 mm; Da - Outer Ring Backing Diameter:360.000 mm; B - Outer Ring Width:75 mm; Design Unit:METRIC; |
66170L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | B - Cone Width:23.114 mm; C - Cup Width:18.288 mm; D:59.530 mm; Bearing Weight:0.30 Kg; Series:M84200; K - Factor7:1.07; C0 - Static Radial Rating:14200 lbf; Design Units:Imperial; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:1.52 mm; e - ISO Factor8:0.55; B:23.368 mm; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:3170 lbf; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius1:0.760 mm; Y - ISO Factor9:1.1; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:3390 lbf; |
66168L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | K - Factor7:1.4; Design Units:Imperial; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:14300 lbf; Y - ISO Factor9:1.44; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0.8 mm; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:1.5 mm; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:1.52 mm; C0 - Static Radial Rating:15800 lbf; Bearing Weight:0.4 Kg; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):8.5; Cup Part Number:02419; Db - Cup Backface Backing Diameter:58.93 mm; |
75080A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | K - Factor8:0.96; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.13; db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:4.8 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)1:53400 lbf; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)7:8250 lbf; Design Units:Imperial; C0 - Static Radial Rating:40100 lbf; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:0.14 in; a - Effective Center Location4:0.54 in; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; B - Cone Width:0.8440 in; |
74086A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Superseded Part:22326YMW33W800C3; B - Outer Ring Width:93.000 mm; Reference Thermal Speed Rating (Grease):1800; R - Inner Ring To Clear Radius1:3.0 mm; D:279.993 mm; Y0 - ISO Factor4:2.11; Cage Type:EM; C1(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Rows):1250000 N; Design Unit:METRIC; Bearing Weight:27.80 Kg; Reference Thermal Speed Rating (Oil)7:2000; da - Inner Ring Backing Diameter:169.000 mm; d:130 mm; Y2 - ISO Factor6:2.06; |
73039L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Note:This product line wa; Maximum Speed:2340 rpm; Bearing UPC:013992026484; Shaft Size:3.75 in; Cor - Static Load Rating:82399 lbf; Dimension J2 :12-19/32 in; Pillow/Plummer Block Style:Split Cylindrical Ho; Series Type:Light Series; Dimension H :4-15/16 in; Dimension L :16-1/2 in; Seal Type:Viton Single Lip; Dimension H2:10.45 in; Cr - Dynamic Load Rating:64872 lbf; Dimension M :4-3/4 in; |
68953A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):95; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)5:41300 N; a - Effective Center Location4:-2 mm; d:75.000 mm; Cone Part Number:JM714249; C90(2) - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 90 million revolutions)2:16200 lbf; WPD:114.1 mm; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius3:3.050 mm; G2 - Heat Generation Factor (Rib-Roller End):32.8; DD:101.1 mm; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; |
66172L Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | B:38.000 mm; r - Cup Backface To Clear Radius2:3.05 mm; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius1:3.050 mm; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (90 million revolutions)4:42000 N; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; a - Effective Center Location3:-7.1 mm; D:170 mm; C - Cup Width:19.500 mm; Cup Part Number:JP12010; Series:JP12000; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:4.1 mm; Ca90 - Dynamic Thrust Rating (90 million revolutions)6:28000 N; |
68964A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | Y1 - ISO Factor9:1.68; Bearing Weight:4.05 lb; C - Double Cup Width:1.8125 in; Design Units:Imperial; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; C90 - Dynamic Radial Rating (One-Row, 90 million revolutions)3:5760 lbf; Cone Part Number:395X; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:0.11 in; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)4:38700 lbf; B - Cone Width:0.8660 in; K - Factor7:1.45; d:2.5000 in; Series:395; |
68617A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | da - Cone Frontface Backing Diameter:11.38 in; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:0 in; Cup Part Number:435165; C - Cup Width:2.4375 in; Cg - Geometry Factor11:0.179; e - ISO Factor8:0.6; Y1 - ISO Factor9:1.12; Design Units:Imperial; d:10.2500 in; K - Factor7:0.97; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (Two-Row, 1 million revolutions)4:440000 lbf; D:16.5000 in; Cone Part Number:EE435103D; Y2 - ISO Factor10:1.66; |
77210A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings | db - Cone Backface Backing Diameter:0 mm; R - Cone Backface To Clear Radius1:2.290 mm; C1 - Dynamic Radial Rating (1 million revolutions)5:9630 lbf; Ab - Cage-Cone Frontface Clearance:1.5 mm; Da - Cup Frontface Backing Diameter:44.50 mm; K - Factor7:2.2; Cage Type:Stamped Steel; Cup Part Number:09195; Cg - Geometry Factor:0.0452; G1 - Heat Generation Factor (Roller-Raceway):8; B:20.638 mm; Aa - Cage-Cone Backface Clearance:2.5 mm; |
68504A Franke Slewing Ring Bearings Video
Bearing Slewing Ring Part series 68504A is a potential replacement for these common bearing part numbers:
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- Shanghai Shengjie Bearing Co., Ltd.
- AddressRoom608,Yizheng Building,No.681 Xincun Road,Putuo District,Shanghai,China
- Phone(Working Time)86-02-7233546
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Franke 68504A Technical Articles
Bearing Slewing Ring CATEGORIES
- Cylindrical Roller Bearing
- Four-Row Tapered Roller Bearing
- Spherical Roller Bearing
- Spherical Roller Bearings
- Tapered Roller Bearing
- Thrust Tapered Roller Bearing
- 99502h Bearing
- lm11910 Bearing
- 61903 2rs Bearing
- 6206z Bearing
- Large Slewing Bearings
- Slewing Ring Bearings
- Kaydon Slewing Bearing
- Bearing Slewing Ring
- Super Precision Bearings
- Super Precision Angular Contact Bearings
- Super Precision Bearing
- Slewing Ring
- Thrust Spherical Roller Bearing
- Thrust Ball Bearing
- Tapered Roller Bearings
- Complex Bearings
- Double Row Tapered Thrust Roller Bearings
- Railway Rolling Spherical Roller Bearings
- Fleetrunner Belts
- Unitta Belt
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